Spend Less – Monetize Faster

With the Barefoot Startup’s GPS

(Guiding Principles for Success)!

For the first time Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey, the Barefoot Wine Founders and New York Times bestselling authors, reveal in an exclusive video webinar series, the secret strategies they used to build a top consumer brand. Their business principles apply to industries across the board. They want to cut your time and costs to monetize your business. They want to help you beat the odds and be successful. They are offering a free webinar that will outline the guiding principles they used to monetize their brand.

The Barefoot Spirit GPS video webinar series includes 4 modules. Expert advice is given in brand building and brand equity; cash flow, personnel and distribution management; exceptional customer service and an ingenious alternative strategy to expensive commercial advertising.

Modules Include:

BRAND Image Module 1Module 1 – Starters for Startups

Find out how to reach your goals while building brand equity. Learn what questions to ask an investment broker, and how to organize your business for acquisition or investors. Learn how to improve every business relationship and expand your brand successfully.


Resources Module 2Module 2 – Be Resourceful

Discover the keys to turning your suppliers and vendors into “investors”, find your hidden assets, and build a bestselling brand while greatly reducing advertising costs. Form strategic allies by understanding and using the free info-graphic.


ENGAGE AND EMPOWER Module 3Module 3 – Engaging and Empowering Your People

Learn how to reduce turnover, find good people and build great people; spot, hire and train people with entrepreneurial DNA; drive results with the ‘two-division’ company; and discover how to integrate fun (and productivity) at work! + bonus orientation info-graphics.


SALES IS KING MODULE 4Module 4 – Sales is King

Find solutions that solve everyone’s problems by understanding ‘The Seven Sales’ in product distribution and how to serve each level for longevity, success and customer loyalty. Learn successful ways to develop and market your brand. + bonus infographics and summary.


Bonuses Include:

Original infographics, metric and acquisition checklists, questions to ask an investment broker, detailed worksheets to keep business on course, live Q&A sessions and membership in the exclusive GPS Community Forum. Currently accepting submissions for affiliate and joint venture partners at: info@thebarefootspirit.com.

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“Their practical insights and communication tips have already proven useful in my career, and I continue to enjoy their relevant newsletters.”
– Melodie Stairs
Melodie Stairs


Keynote speakers and New York Times Best Selling Authors Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey