The Barefoot Spirit

Problem-Solving, Barefoot Spirit Style | Skirting the Issue 👗

Our preferred approach to problem-solving involves viewing the situation from multiple perspectives. Often, defining the problem well is the key… Read More

2 days ago

Why do you need CAUSE to build an entrepreneurial culture? 🤔 [VIDEO]

Our answer is simple... LOYALTY! Watch our advice HERE Read More

2 days ago

We believe storytelling is the best way to convey business principles…

We believe storytelling is the best way to convey business principles, especially through theatre. Watching characters with different goals and… Read More

1 week ago

The Value of Experience | Save Time and Money ⏳

We built the Barefoot Wine brand by hiring experts in areas like finance, taxes, compliance, sales, winemaking, marketing, bottling, and… Read More

1 week ago

(VIDEO) Mississippi State University | Interview with Michael Houlihan

In early April, Bonnie M. Harvey and I had the pleasure of traveling to Mississippi State University to speak at… Read More

2 weeks ago

Why the Right Answer to the Wrong Question Can Lead to Disaster… 🌪️

As business advisors, we've noticed many clients ask specific questions like, "How do I hire a sales rep?" However, they… Read More

2 weeks ago

Calling all 2024 grads! 🎓

College teaches more than just academic knowledge. It equips you with essential entrepreneurial skills crucial for business success, developed through… Read More

3 weeks ago

5 Barefoot Problem Solving Principles 💡

When building the Barefoot Wine brand, we encountered numerous unexpected challenges in compliance, distribution, and personnel management. Over time, we… Read More

1 month ago

What is a Brand if not the Founder’s Legacy, Concept, and Intention?

So often we see great brands derailed. They seem to have lost track of their purpose and style, their principles… Read More

1 month ago

From Wine to Hollywood… 🎬

After selling Barefoot Wine, we helped our acquirer maintain the "Barefoot Spirit," which led to Barefoot becoming the world's largest… Read More

1 month ago