Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey

Starting in a laundry room with no money or industry knowledge, they built the iconic Best-Selling Barefoot Wine Brand - without advertising. In 2005, they monetized their brand equity and now offer proven business principles and real world experience. Visit our YouTube Channel →

High Intensity Tactics for Growth Podcast

M&B were interviewed on the High Intensity Tactics for Growth podcast by the host, Chris Cicchinelli. To listen to the… Read More

5 years ago

Do a Re-Take on Your Miss-Take

As we grow up, we were told not to make mistakes. In school, mistakes could result in poor grades …or… Read More

5 years ago

Hardwired for Growth Podcast

M&B were interviewed on "Hardwired for Growth" by host, Brett Trainor. To listen to the interview, please click the play… Read More

5 years ago

The Romance of the Wine Business – Not!

The wine business has always had an aura of romance about it. You know – swirl, sniff, sip. Say a… Read More

5 years ago

My Wakeup Call Podcast

M&B were interviewed on "My Wakeup Call" by host, Dr. Mark Goulston. To listen to the interview, please click the… Read More

5 years ago

Tradies in Business Podcast (Australia)

M&B were interviewed on "Tradies in Business" (Australia podcast) by hosts, Warrick Bidwell and Nicole Cox. To listen to the… Read More

5 years ago

Strategic Allies Come in all Ages, Creeds, Styles and Languages

Early stage businesses have to go through some unexpected contortions, make some unanticipated sales, and welcome the help of unlikely… Read More

5 years ago

Fueling Deals Interview

M&B were interviewed on "Fueling Deals" by host, Corey Kupfer. To listen to the interview, please click the play button… Read More

5 years ago

Discrimination Against Older Job Applicants is Illegal — and it’s Bad for Your Bottom Line

The ad says, “Recent College Grad.” Another says, “Digital Native.” Still another says, “Looking for a Cultural Fit.” Most recent… Read More

5 years ago

Brand Growth Strategy Requires Strategic Allies and a Home Court Advantage

Be a “big fish in a small pond,” they say. We would add to that, “Start with a pond you… Read More

5 years ago