Marketing and Advertising

Tailor Your Message to What Your Audience Wants to Hear

If you want to make a statement, tell them what you want to say. If you want to make a… Read More

12 years ago

Kindred Spirits, Fellow Travelers, and Strategic Partners

One of the most effective and often over-looked resources to build and grow your business  is strategic alliances. “Partnerships” with… Read More

12 years ago

5 Ways to Increase Your Service Business

In this two part series we are addressing service businesses. Last time we identified a way of classifying your clients… Read More

13 years ago

Strategy for Good Summit

Title: Strategy for Good Summit Location: Your phone - it's a Telesummit Description: Hear from 30 Thought Leaders on Business… Read More

13 years ago

Positive Company Culture is critical to Growth and Survival – Part 2

A company survives and grows due to sales and the loyalty of customers and staff. Sales are based on price,… Read More

13 years ago

Is Your Company Doing these Things?

Recently, while attending a Wine Industry Symposium, I had the good fortune to sit next to a fellow consultant, James… Read More

13 years ago

Does Your Company Culture Give Rise to Great Ideas?

Some people think “culture” is what you get in your yogurt. So called “company culture” starts from the top and… Read More

13 years ago

How To Get Your Product To The Market

You may have a great product at a great price, and people may really want it, but that doesn’t mean… Read More

13 years ago

10 Tips For a Start-Up Business with No Money

OK, you need some money to get started, but you can seriously reduce the amount if you take advantage of… Read More

13 years ago