10906225_827841457292749_8902043561043720049_nI’m not a connoisseur of wine. I’m still confused about which type of grape corresponds to which type of wine, and still have not perfected my pronunciation of “sauvignon.”

Over the years, I haven’t improved much when it comes to wine selection, but I have spent a decent amount of time walking the aisles trying to figure out which one to bring home. When I need to grab a bottle of wine at the store, I still ask for help.

However, even with my high level of wine ignorance, when I heard a reference to Barefoot Wines recently, I immediately knew the wine. It made me think of the wine bottles I have seen over the years, with the very distinguishable logo: a footprint. Bottles with a footprint appear in many different locations, and I expect it to be in the lineup whenever I’m browsing the aisles shopping by labels. Read more…