Speaking Events

Upcoming Speaking Events:


 04/28/2018  Sonoma County, CAnanyang-university

M&B will host 65 students plus professors from Nanyang University’s MSc TIP (Master of Science Technopreneurship & Innovation Program, made up of students representing six countries)



6/13/2018 & 6/14/2018   Anchorage, Alaska

M&B will be Keynote Speakers at the Alaska SBDC (Small Business Development Center) in Anchorage at the University of Alaska. They will also conduct a workshop the following day.


Past Speaking Events:


2/22/2018 – 02/23/2018   Las Vegas, NV

M&B were the closing Keynote Speakers at the Dynamic Women Summit put on by SmartFem Media Group. They were also on a discussion panel and were interviewed for SmartFem TV.



2/07/2018   San Francisco, CA

M&B spoke at the University of San Francisco to MBA Business Modeling & Ideation students.



09/13/2017   Tempe, AZ 

M&B were the Keynote Speakers at the 75th Anniversary Ideas America Annual Summit, including international members.



08/02/2017   San Francisco, CA 

M&B were the Keynote Speakers at the Pro Visors Bay Area Distribution and Manufacturing Conference.



6/01/2017 – 06/02/2017   Virginia Beach, VA  (3 events)liberty tax service

M&B were the Keynote Speakers for the Liberty Tax Service franchisees’ annual conference and provided an additional day of two 3-hour workshops as consultants.



5/04/2017   Jacksonville, FL (2 events)

M&B were the Keynotes Speakers at the 25th Annual Florida Small Business Development Center at the University of North Florida & hosted a workshop.



05/04/2017  Jacksonville, FL

M&B spoke to members of the Renaissance Executive Forums.




04/29/2017 Sonoma County, CA

M&B hosted 100 students from Nanyang Universitynanyang-university

(Students representing ten countries)


04/06/2017 Portland, OR

M&B spoke to the Oregon Executives Association



04/05/2017 Portland, OR

M&B spoke to the Portland Metropolitan

Business Association



03/07/2017 Napa, CA

M&B spoke at the Persistent Systems Conference



03/05/2017 Chicago, IL

Michael were the keynote speakers at the Parking Industry’s

Annual Exhibition. (1,000 attendees)



02/17/2017 Las Vegas, NV

M&B were the keynote speakers at the Retail

Packaging Association Conference.



11/4/2016 San Francisco, CALogo

M&B spoke at The Executive Association of San Francisco Conference.



11/8/2016 San Francisco, CA

M&B spoke at The C-Suite Conference in San Francisco.c-suite-network



05/23/2016 Irvine, CA

M&B spoke at the Blum Center for Poverty Alleviation.uci-seal


05/12/2016   New York, NYSecret_Knock_Logo

M&B were the keynote speakers at the Secret Knock Convention. The Secret Knock Convention is a private (invite only) gathering of the most positive, modern day thought leaders from around the globe.



Nanyang University

04/23/2016  Sonoma County, CA

M&B hosted 100 students from Nanyang University (Students representing ten countries)



03/30/2016   Irvine, CA Oc_Tech_Hour_Logo

M&B spoke at OC Tech Happy Hour. OC Tech Hour is one of the fastest growing tech meetups in Orange County. 2,900+ members.




03/30/2016   Irvine, CA Blackstone_Launchpad_Logo

M&B spoke at Wine Wednesday Fireside Chat at the Blackstone Launchpad at UC Irvine. Blackstone LaunchPad is a campus based entrepreneurship program, accessible by over 500K students globally by the end of 2015, designed to support and mentor students, staff and alumni – regardless of major, experience or discipline.



 Nanyang University

M&B hosted 21 students from Nanyang University (Students representing six countries)           



11/11/2015  Uncasville, CTTBA.11.05.15

M&B spoke at the Vets Rock event at the Mohegan Sun.



11/12/2015   Worcester, MAClark_University

M&B spoke to students & faculty at Clark University




11/13/2015   Worcester, MA  WPI_LOGO

M&B spoke to students & faculty at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.




11/06/2015   New Orleans, LATulane Univ.

M&B spoke to students & faculty at Tulane University.



Loyola University11/05/2015   New Orleans, LA

M&B spoke to students & faculty at Loyola University.




10/05/2015   Costa Mesa, CA Critical_Mass

Michael was a guest panelist on the 2015 Critical Mass Executive Conference with Vans President, Kevin Bailey, and spoke to 100 CEOs & business executives in the Orange County area.



10/05/2015   Irvine, CAUCI seal 3

Michael spoke to students & faculty of UC Irvine.



09/02/2015    Melbourne, Australia

M&B were the keynote speakers at the Beverage Trade Network Australia Trade Tasting.




09/03/2015   Brisbane, Australia2014-10-3_Griffith_University_Logo

M&B spoke to students of entrepreneurship at Griffith University




08/10/2015 – 08/12/2015   San Diego, CASecret_Knock

M&B were the keynote speakers at the Secret Knock Convention. They will also be interviewed, which will appear in book,  “Think & Grow Rich.” The Secret Knock Convention is a private (invite only) gathering of the most positive, modern day thought leaders from around the globe.



Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods

08/01/2015   Guerneville, CA

Bonnie spoke at the 3rd annual sunset dinner fund raiser for Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods, non Profit Community based volunteer organization that is managing 3 State Parks. M&B were founding members of the event which has grown in popularity and now has over 70 attendees. Bonnie spoke about the importance of volunteerism in the parks solution. She praised Stewards for providing a model for maintaining the parks, keeping them open, and operating on volunteer labor, donations, and fee collections.



05/07/2015    Los Angeles, CAUCLA_LOGO

M&B spoke to UCLA entrepreneurship, finance, operations and entertainment/social innovation students.




05/06/2015   Long Beach, CACSU_Long_Beach

Michael accepted the Distinguished Alumni Award. He also attended the Alumni Awards Banquet Honorees Reception.



05/03/2015 Monterey, CACommunity_College_League_of_California

M&B spoke to 200 members of the Community College League of California. In attendance were Board of Governors, trustees; college administrators: CEOs, vice chancellors, vice presidents, directors; other national association and federal government representatives, community college students, and league corporate partners.



04/18/2015   Sonoma County, CANanyang University

M&B hosted one hundred business students from Singapore (Students representing six countries). They were given a speaking tour while walking around their property and went on a wine tour.



04/02/2015   Online WebinarSCORE

Michael & Bonnie hosted a webinar on “The Barefoot Spirit and Company Culture: Sales is King” to 500+ attendees.




03/25/2015 – 03/27/2015   New York, NY

M&B gave the Closing Keynote address at the Customer Experience Conference to their members. (Producers of the Consumers’ Confidence Index)



03/20/2015   Asheville, NCUNCA Family Forum

M&B were Keynote Speakers for a special event for the UNCA Family Business Forum. Community members who have family owned businesses, or advise family owned businesses were in attendance.



03/19/2015   Asheville, NCUNCA Logo

M&B were Keynote Speakers for a special entrepreneurship educational event, speaking to local business owners, faculty and students of entrepreneurship at the University of North Carolina at Asheville.



02/28/2015 Los Angeles, CA – over 250 attendeesMetal International

M&B spoke to METal International members. METal is an exclusive gathering of and for dynamic entrepreneurs and change-makers in the media, entertainment and technology space. Their events range from talks with high-profile thinkers to connecting ideas and collaboration in their community.



02/16/2015 – 02/20/2015 – over 2,000 participantsSales Surge Summit

M&B were keynote speakers in an international sales webinar.

Interview with Kim Hoyer for Sales Surge Summit



02/05/2015    Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada U_of_Lethbridge_Logo

M&B were keynote speakers at 2 major events plus spoke to students of entrepreneurship at 2 campuses at the University of Lethbridge, with a total of over 10 talks/events.




01/15/2015   Malibu, CA

M&B spoke to students of entrepreneurship at Pepperdine University






01/03/2015   Sonoma County, CANanyang University

M&B hosted one hundred students from Singapore (Students representing six countries) and brought them on a wine tour



11/24/2014   Arlington, TXUTA

M&B spoke to Bob Hopkins Social Entrepreneurship Class




Gloucester County Chamber of Commerce Logo

11/13/2014    Glassboro, NJ

M&B were the keynote speakers at the Gloucester County Chamber of Commerce Soiree and spoke to 400 top    Southern New Jersey business owners.



11/16/2014 – 11/18/2014   Marina Del Ray, CAC-Suite Network

M&B spoke at the C-Suite Network Conference. The C-Suite Network Conferences provide an arena for C-Suite executives and the world’s most elite thought leaders to candidly talk about the challenges of success in a world that’s unlike any we have experienced.



11/13/2014   Glassboro, NJ Rowan University

M&B were the keynote speakers to business leaders and students at a VIP event for Rowan University, to support scholarships for students.




11/06/2014   Trondheim, NorwayNorwegian University

M&B spoke to students of entrepreneurship at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.




10/24/2014   Ft. Lauderdale, FLFAU Tech Runway

M&B were the keynote speakers at Florida Atlantic University’s Tech Runway event.




10/23/2014   Ft. Lauderdale, FL200px-Florida_Atlantic_University_seal.svg

M&B spoke to students of entrepreneurship at Florida Atlantic University




10/01/2014 – 10/02/2014   Las Vegas, NV

EO Alchemy

M&B were the keynote speakers to members of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (West Coast Region) of Alchemy annual conference.





09/10/2014 – 09/12/2014   Long Beach, CA CSU_Long_Beach

M&B spoke to students of entrepreneurship & Alumni at California State University at Long Beach.






09/13/2014   Los Angeles, CAMetal International

M&B spoke to METal International members. METal is an exclusive gathering of and for dynamic entrepreneurs and change-makers in the media, entertainment and technology space. Their events range from talks with high-profile thinkers to connecting ideas and collaboration in their community.




08/17/2014   Sonoma County, CA                         Regional Parks

M&B hosted a fundraiser for the Sonoma County Regional parks. They will also be speaking to the attendees.




08/02/2014   Philadelphia, PATemple-University-MBA

M&B spoke to students of Entrepreneurship at Temple University






06/11/2014 – 06/14/2014   Dublin Ireland

M&B were the keynote speakers at the World Conference on Entrepreneurship




05/14/2014 & 05/15/2014


M&B spoke to the Mobile, AL Chamber of Commerce for two events





05/05/2014   Whitewater, WIUWW logo

M&B participated in the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater’s Entrepreneurs’ Day and celebrated the opening of the new national headquarters of USASBE (United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship). 





5/01/2014   Topeka KS

Washburn University

M&B spoke to students of entrepreneurship at Washburn University




04/30/2014    Overland Park KSJohnson_County_Community_College_1

M&B spoke to students at Johnson County Community College




04/28/2014     Charlotte NCSOCAP_40th_Logo

M&B were the keynote speakers at the SOCAP’s (Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals) 2014 Symposium




04/16/2014   Rohnert Park, CASonoma_State_University

M&B spoke to Liz Thach’s wine business students

Speaking topic: Barefoot Strategy




04/02/2014 Peoria, ILBradley University

M&B received an award for entrepreneurship and spoke to students of entrepreneurship at Bradley University



03/27/2014    Mississippi State, MSMississippi_State_University_429072_i0

M&B spoke to students of entrepreneurship at Mississippi State University




03/25/2014   Wilmington, NC


M&B were keynote speakers to 300 students during Business Week at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.




03/07/2014 – 03/14/2014    Syracuse NYEBV Logo

M&B spoke and were instructors at EBV and EBV-F at the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University

Speaking Topic: The Guiding Principles for Successful Entrepreneurs



03/10/2014   Ithaca, NYCornell_University_Johnson_NY_170679

M&B spoke to students of entrepreneurship at Cornell University




02/24/2014   Monterey, CACABBI

M&B were the keynote speakers at the CABBI InnSpire Conference & Tradeshow

Speaking Topic: Guiding Principles for Successful Hospitality



01/09/2014 – 01/13/2014   Dallas, TX

M&B spoke at the USASBE National Convention

Speaking Topic: From The Street to the Classroom- Guiding Principles for Success



12/20/2013 & 12/21/2013   Mazatlan MexicoMazatlan_Code_of_Arms

M&B spoke to 40 business leaders on Worthy Cause Marketing

and did non-profit work with the schools for The Mazatlán Foundation.





12/05/2013   Santa Rosa, CANorth_Coast_Wine_Industry_Expo

Michael spoke at the North Coast Wine Industry Expo to 200 attendees

Speaking Topic: “They buy you, not the wine”



11/02/2013 to 11/03/2013 West Lafayette INPurdue University

M&B spoke to 250 students of entrepreneurship & 20 faculty at Purdue University



11/02/2013 Chicago IL – 1500+ attendees19

M& were keynote speakers (1 hour) for COLLEGIATE Entrepreneurs’ Organization (#1 event to attend for young entrepreneurs)



10/30/2013 Chicago IL


M&B spoke at MIT Enterprise Forum



10/29/2013 Fort WorthTXTarrant_County_College

M&B spoke to students at TarrantCounty College




10/28/2013 Mesquite TXEastfield_College

M&B spoke at Eastfield College




10/26/2013 to 10/29/2013 Dallas TX – 1000+ attendeesEBV Logo

M&B were keynote speakers at EBV National Training and Alumni Conference (Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities)




10/24/2013 ArlingtonTXrsz_the_uni_of_texas_arling

M&B spoke at The University of Texas at Arlington



09/30/2013 & 10/01/13 Columbus GA

Columbus State University

M&B spoke to students at Columbus State University





09/30/2013 Gainesville, FLUniversity of Florida

University of Florida Warrington College of Business

Jamie Kraft spoke to the students at The University of Florida’s Warrington’s College of Business



09/25/2013 Tampa FL17

The University of Tampa, John H. Sykes College of Business; professor  Rebecca J. White (United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship – USASBE – Outgoing President) had M&B to speak to her students



09/24/2013 Deland, FLStetson University

Stetson University

Professor Peter Begalla had M&B to speak to the students




09/23/2013 Fort Meyers, FLFlorida Gulf Coast

Florida Gulf Coast University

Professor Sandra Meyers had M&B speak to their students




09/12/2013 San Francisco, CASOCAP_40th_Logo

Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business (SOCAP International)

M&B spoke at SOCAP’s 40th Anniversary Celebration during the America’s Cup



08/31/2013 Guerneville, CAStewards of the Coast and Redwoods

Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods, Fundraiser

M&B were “honored guests” and will be talking about worthy cause marketing. We are donating books and signing one for each guest. Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods (Stewards) is a non-profit organization that partners with the Russian River Sector of California State Parks. Mission is “promoting education, preservation, & restoration of the natural & cultural resources of Russian River area State Parks.”



07/21/2013 Syracuse NY; The TechGardentechgarden-logo_sm

M&B spoke to students and took questions for 2 hours. The TechGarden is a central New York’s premiere innovation and technology

incubator and is home to the suite of CenterState CEO’s innovation economic development programs.



07/20-21/2013 Syracuse NY; Syracuse UniversityEBV Logo

Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities, M&B were the keynote speakers to vets, advisors, professors, and event organizers


06/15/2013 Santa Rosa CA – 30 business women, 1 hour14

Bonnie spoke at The Women’s Power Strategy Conference



05/23/2013 San Francisco CA – 90 busines women, 45 minsrsz_1pbwc

Bonnie spoke at The Professional BusinessWomen of California



104/17/2013 Syracuse, NY – 25 top business owners

Entrepreneurial Society of Central NY; M&B were keynote speakers (1 hour)



04/16/2013 Syracuse, NY – 1000 businesswomen2a

The WISE (Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship); M&B were keynote speakers (1 hour)



03/25/2013   Dallas TX Dallas Regional Chamber

M&B spoke to members of the Dallas Regional Chamber





03/25/2013 Dallas TX – 100 students & 10 faculty2

University of Texas at Dallas; M&B spoke (1 ¼ hours)



03/22/2013 Dallas TX – 150 business leaders and benefactors3

Museum of Biblical Arts; M&B were keynote speakers (45 minutes)



03/21/2013 Dallas TX – 575 students + 20 faculty4

University of Texas at Arlington; M&B spoke during Entrepreneur Week

(2 sessions, 1 ½ hours each)



03/08/2013 Santa Barbara City College – 300 students & professors5

The Scheinfeld Center, Enlightened Entrepreneurship Series; M&B spoke to entrepreneurial students (1 ½ hours)



02/22/2013 Orange County CA – 250 administrators, members, & supporters6

Surfriders Foundation Wavemakers Award ceremony; M&B accepted the

Outstanding Contribution Award and spoke about Worthy Cause Marketing



02/12/2013 Pleasanton CA – 175 IT executives & business professional7

Institute for Social, Search & Mobile Marketing, M&B were the keynote speakers



01/14/2013 SF – 400 international entrepreneurship professors8

USASBE 2013, Michael was the Keynote Speaker (1 ¼ hours)



01/10/2013 SF – 400 international entrepreneurship professors9

USASBE 2013, Michael & Bonnie were toastmasters



11/08/2012 Napa – 300 winery owners and professionals10

Increasing the Value of a Wine Business Conference by the Seminar Group; Michael gave a seminar presentation



10/26/2012 Santa Rosa CA – 70 park management administrators & NPO11

SSU Parks Project Workshop; Bonnie participated & spoke



09/03/2012 Santa Rosa CA – 300 business leaders12

Santa Rosa Rotary; Michael was the keynote speaker




07/13/12 SSU, Santa Rosa CA – 50 college professors & sponsors13

Dean Bill Silver discussed wine course at SSU, with Michael participating
