by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog, Interview
We were recently interviewed by Ric Payne, founder and CEO of Principa. To listen to the interview & read the complete article, please visit My Practice Mentor by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Article, Business Blog
Our article on “How to Create Real Employee Engagement” was featured in the January 2014 edition of The Journal for Quality and Participation. To view the article, please click the link below. JQP 2014 Issue 01 Who We Are Michael Houlihan and Bonnie... by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
We co-authored an article that was featured in Employment Relations Today/Wiley Online Library on Eight Ways to Create a More Entrepreneurial Workforce. Please check it out and let us know what you think! Who We Are Michael Houlihan and... by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
Michael & Bonnie were asked to write a guest article for Small Biz Lady, Melinda Emerson. The article talks about the advantages of being broke in a small business and the how they used it as an asset to starting Barefoot. To read the blog, please... by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
Tomorrow, we have the honor of being interviewed by our friend Matt DiGeronimo, Host of The Smith Floyd Water Cooler. Matt wrote a fantastic book review about our book, The Barefoot Spirit and we will post some snippets and link you to the full article on his website....