
Barefoot Wine Founders Employ Zone Recording Technology to Record Audio for Success Magazine Interview

Houlihan and Harvey co-authored the New York Times Bestselling Business Paperback, “The Barefoot Spirit: How Hardship, Hustle, and Heart Built America’s #1 Wine Brand.” From what originated as a start-up in their laundry room in 1986, has since become a nationwide bestselling wine label. Although they possessed little money and minimal experience in the wine industry, Houlihan and Harvey relied on their innovative ideas and an unshakable belief in Barefoot’s potential to overcome adversity and turn their start-up into an iconic brand.

Their book, “The Barefoot Spirit,” chronicles the history and lessons learned in transforming an unknown novelty wine into an American icon. After selling the Barefoot Wine brand to E&J Gallo in 2005, Houlihan and Harvey turned their focus to education. They now share their unique experiences and entrepreneurial skills through workshops, interviews, lectures and consults. Their book is actually required reading at over a dozen universities teaching entrepreneurship.

In order to conduct their interview with Success Magazine, Houlihan and Harvey relied on the recording technology at Zone Recording Studio.

“I set Michael and Bonnie up in a room with two microphones and headphones.  The interviewer was in a studio in Florida with the same setup.  They could hear each other in their earphones via Zone Recording’s ‘phone patch’ technology,” explained Blair Hardman, owner of Zone Recording.

After the recording was completed, Hardman sent the voice recording to Florida where it will be edited by the Florida studio and combined with the interviewer’s voice.

“Ultimately the interview will sound as though both the interviewer and Houlihan and Harvey were together in the same room,” said Hardman.

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