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Entrepreneurial Culture is Critical to Your Remote Work Force
Due to the Shelter-In-Place orders designed to slow the spread of the Corona Virus, many businesses have been able to successfully transfer operations out of their crowded offices and into their employees’ homes. While it’s still uncertain what the legal implications...
The Matt Baxter Show
M&B were interviewed on the "Matt Baxter Show" by host, Matt Baxter. To listen to the podcast, please visit Sticher
Cut Training Time with Business Audio Theatre
We are very proud of our recent accomplishment with our new, theatrically performed business audiobook, The Barefoot Spirit. It is a real example and demonstration of the power of story performed, not just narrated, to convey business principles in a new way. It’s not...
The OnFire B2B Podcast
Michael was interviewed on the "OnFire B2B Podcast" by host, Bob Clark. To listen to the podcast, please visit the OnFire B2B Podcast
The Novel Coronavirus Spotlights Opportunities for New Consumer Packaged Goods
It’s clear that the direct-to-consumer business got a big shot in the arm from the shelter-in-place orders that many of us are now living under. Even though these restrictions are temporary, they have trained many new consumers to use online services to order their...
The Thoughtful Entrepreneur Podcast
Michael & Bonnie were interviewed on "The Thoughtful Entrepreneur" by host, Josh Elledge. To listen to the podcast, please click HERE
Lockdown! A Bootcamp for Resourcefulness
Since we are all locked down, we may as well have some fun perfecting one of the two most commonly heralded ingredients of entrepreneurial success, Resourcefulness. The other one is Tenacity and together they make an unbeatable duo that most successful entrepreneurs...
C-Suite Network Best Seller TV – The Barefoot Spirit Audiobook
Michael & Bonnie were interviewed on C-Suite Network's Best Seller TV about their book, The Barefoot Spirit, by host, Taryn Winter Brill. To watch the interview, please click the play button below:
Will the Coronavirus Lockdown Increase Our Attention Span?
For the last 10 year, we have been on a race to boil everything down its simplest essences, to the bare bones. In all the noise, we have grossly oversimplified our communication just to get a word in edgewise. Yes, the one thing you need to know to build an airplane...