by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
The chaotic response to the virus has hit small businesses hard. They are faced with everything from learning how to move fast to learning something completely new. The bullets keep coming and many businesses are already closed. Those that are surviving are solving...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Article, Business Blog
If you’re over 21, you are considered an adult. If you’re 18 or older you can vote. But if you’re 14 or 15, how do you make yourself heard? Right now, all over the world, young teenagers are making their voices heard. It’s hard to ignore. It’s in the news every week...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
We like to say, “Do what you do best, and delegate the rest!” That sort of flies in the face of, “If you want it done right, do it yourself.” Is there a middle ground that gives you the time you need to focus on moving the company forward using your best skill sets...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
Most startups fail because they have too much overhead and not enough sales – period! In fact, in The Barefoot Startup, we advise our clients to outsource everything but sales, accounting, and quality control. Overhead expenses are earned by sales, not the other way...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
According to Forbes, 90 percent of all new businesses fail. Why is the rate so high with so many great ideas? Is something missing? Something basic? According to the Small Business Administration, businesses that survive more than five years tend to survive more than...