by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
Michael & Bonnie were interviewed on C-Suite Network’s Best Seller TV about their book, The Barefoot Spirit, by host, Taryn Winter Brill. To watch the interview, please click the play button below: Who We Are Michael Houlihan and...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog, Interview
We recently spoke on a C-Suite Executive Briefings Webinar on how to “Engage and Empower Your People to Ignite Sales” “Voted #1 Best Speakers at the C-Suite Conference!” – Thomas White, CEO C-Suite Network, Radio Host – Nationally Syndicated...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog, C-Suite, Contributed Blog
Thanks to tweets, texts, posts, and very short attention spans, we have become a society constantly looking for the shortest way to communicate a thought. That may be fine for the captions on a cute kitten picture, or texting your friend a remark, but it’s...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog, C-Suite, Company Culture, Entrepreneurship
After we sold our business, our acquirer asked us to come to work for them as brand consultants to, as they put it, “keep the Barefoot spirit alive.” We liked the term “the Barefoot spirit” so much we named our first book, The Barefoot Spirit, How Hardship, Hustle,...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog, Interview
We were interviewed by Kevin Craine, host of The Bizcast on the C-Suite Network. To listen to the interview please visit Bizcast Radio