by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
Why is it suddenly necessary for tens of thousands of scientists to march on Earth Day and implore us to take climate change seriously? Why do they have to insist that there is no debate and that the signs are already here? They obviously think we need a strong... ECONOMY TRUMPS ECOLOGY – IN THE SHORT RUN
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog, Environment, Lifestyle Blog, Political
Automobiles didn’t replace horse-drawn carts because the world suddenly ran out of hay. And alternative clean air vehicles won’t replace fossil-fueled vehicles because we suddenly run out of oil. In fact, due to technology, more oil and gas supplies... "WHY" TRUMPS "HOW"
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
As we celebrate Presidents’ Day, we honor our country’s two greatest leaders, George Washington who had to form a union, and Abraham Lincoln who had to hold it together. Both succeeded because they educated the people about the reasons for action. They both had to...