by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
It’s clear that the direct-to-consumer business got a big shot in the arm from the shelter-in-place orders that many of us are now living under. Even though these restrictions are temporary, they have trained many new consumers to use online services to order their...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
When we built the Barefoot Wine brand, we lived and died on the latest Nielsen ratings. So if you are in the packaged goods space, you want to pay careful attention to the latest Nielsen report “How and Why Sustainability is Gaining Momentum with...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
First published on on 10/12/2017 Having built the wine brand Barefoot, we learned a few things about branding consumer products. Get your product in front of the folks who will benefit from it. Be clear about what you are selling. Distinguish your...