The Thoughtful Entrepreneur Podcast
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | April 22, 2020 | Business Blog
Michael & Bonnie were interviewed on “The Thoughtful Entrepreneur” by host, Josh Elledge. To listen to the podcast, please click HERE
Lockdown! A Bootcamp for Resourcefulness
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | April 16, 2020 | Business Blog
Since we are all locked down, we may as well have some fun perfecting one of the two most commonly heralded ingredients of entrepreneurial success, Resourcefulness. The other one is Tenacity and together they make an unbeatable duo that most successful entrepreneurs will readily credit for their success. But for now, let’s just explore Resourcefulness […]
C-Suite Network Best Seller TV – The Barefoot Spirit Audiobook
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | April 13, 2020 | Business Blog
Michael & Bonnie were interviewed on C-Suite Network’s Best Seller TV about their book, The Barefoot Spirit, by host, Taryn Winter Brill. To watch the interview, please click the play button below:
Will the Coronavirus Lockdown Increase Our Attention Span?
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | April 13, 2020 | Business Blog
For the last 10 year, we have been on a race to boil everything down its simplest essences, to the bare bones. In all the noise, we have grossly oversimplified our communication just to get a word in edgewise. Yes, the one thing you need to know to build an airplane may be “lift,” but […]
What Kind of a World Can We Expect When They Let Us Out?
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | April 9, 2020 | Business Blog
We’ve lived through the Dot Com Bust and The Great Recession. We recovered (to some degree) after each one of them. Basically, the government printed up money to try to bail out companies and stimulate the economy. But in each case, the result was inflation that actually punished the folks who saved their money. Crazy? […]
Lockdown Home Office Can Challenge Personal Relationships
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | March 26, 2020 | Business Blog
If “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” does confinement cause friction? We have a dear friend who has been told by his employer to work from home due to the Coronavirus lockdown. He told us, “At last! I have always wanted to work from home!” But having been in a couple relationship with both parties […]
Holing Up at Home (Sheltering in Place)
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | March 19, 2020 | Business Blog
In the past year, we have been evacuated, repopulated, and now confined. In an attempt to blunt the spread of COVID19, health officials have ordered us (along with most everybody else) to shelter in place, which means to stay home. It’s enough to cause anyone anxiety and confusion. How do you keep your wits in […]
Product Development Starts with Demand and Access, Not the Product
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | March 18, 2020 | Business Blog, Interview
“But all my friends thought it was so cool.” That’s the usual lament we hear from the producers of failed products. Why? They fell in love with their product, so much so that they actually thought success was based on the product itself. Probably the most important factor most often overlooked by new product producers […]
Increase Engagement and Reduce Turnover Using Business Audio Theatre
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | March 12, 2020 | Business Blog
When the cement is wet, you can move it with a trowel, but when the cement is hard, you’ll need a jackhammer! No illustration could be more apropos than what happens during the orientation or on-boarding process. When you hire that candidate, their first few days on the job, what they are told, what they […]
Thought Fortunes Podcast
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | March 11, 2020 | Business Blog, Interview
M&B were interviewed on “Thought Fortunes Podcast” by host, D Arlando Fortune. To listen to the podcast, please visit Thought Fortunes Podcast
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