Your brand’s promise is defined by customers’ experiences, not by marketing. Attempting to rewrite history or deny past mistakes erodes credibility.

“You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” – Abraham Lincoln Your brand’s promise is defined by customers’ experiences, not by marketing. Attempting to rewrite history or deny past mistakes erodes […]

Logos for CPG Brand Builders Require Special Design Considerations / You Get What You Pay For!

While free logo makers are tempting, they often fail to meet the unique needs of CPG brand logos. These logos must account for the following: – Surface Variations: CPG products come in various shapes and sizes, not just flat surfaces. – Handling Requirements: Logos must endure production, warehousing, transportation, and retail handling. – Viewing Distance: […]

At the Customer Experience Level, Your Sales and Consumer Care People Know More than Your Marketing and Production People

At the Customer Experience Level, Your Sales and Consumer Care People Know More than Your Marketing and Production People 1. Customer Experience and Consumer Care: Marketing teams excel in creating plans, strategies, and branding, but they must adapt based on feedback from sales and customer care teams, who have direct contact with the market. 2. […]

Problem-Solving, Barefoot Spirit Style | Skirting the Issue 👗

Our preferred approach to problem-solving involves viewing the situation from multiple perspectives. Often, defining the problem well is the key to finding the best solution. Relying solely on initial impressions can obscure potential solutions. By viewing problems in the context of the bigger picture, we often found solutions that addressed more than the original issue. […]

We believe storytelling is the best way to convey business principles…

We believe storytelling is the best way to convey business principles, especially through theatre. Watching characters with different goals and behaviors creates memorable lessons and is more enjoyable than lectures. Each year, students from Nanyang Technological University perform a business play we wrote, showcasing two different approaches and outcomes. We’d love your feedback on this […]

The Value of Experience | Save Time and Money ⏳

We built the Barefoot Wine brand by hiring experts in areas like finance, taxes, compliance, sales, winemaking, marketing, bottling, and production. This saved us from costly mistakes and accelerated our success! Here are a few key takeaways you should be aware of ⬇️ Insurance Is Wisdom: Hiring experts is an investment, not a cost. It […]