Picture this: a woman with a vision, a passion to be her own boss, and the drive to make it happen. But as she steps into the world of entrepreneurship, she’s immediately hit by three massive roadblocks—limited funding, lack of financial training, and wavering confidence.

The dream is there, but the tools? They’re hard to come by.

Instead of securing investors, 79% of these fierce women are forced to fund their businesses with personal savings or even credit cards, taking on more risk than they should. Why? Because the idea of debt or outside investment feels overwhelming and out of reach.

Yet, the fire doesn’t dim. Independence fuels them. They crave financial freedom, but without the know-how or the access to capital, it’s like trying to climb a mountain without a map.

But here’s the twist—these women are far from giving up. Optimism is their secret weapon. Despite the hurdles, 65% believe growth is just around the corner, and they’re diving headfirst into new technologies like AI to get ahead.

What these entrepreneurs need is more than just grit—they need resources, mentorship, and a pathway to the financial support they deserve. When women break through these barriers, their businesses can thrive, driving innovation and transforming local economies.

The journey may be tough, but the rewards will be extraordinary—for them and the next wave of female founders ready to take their shot.

Who We Are

Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey Barefoot Wine Founders

Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey co-authored the New York Times bestselling business book, The Barefoot Spirit: How Hardship, Hustle, and Heart Built America’s #1 Wine Brand. The book has been selected as recommended reading in the CEO Library for CEO Forum, the C-Suite Book Club, and numerous university classes on business and entrepreneurship. It chronicles their humble beginnings from the laundry room of a rented Sonoma County farmhouse to the board room of E&J Gallo, who ultimately acquired their brand and engaged them as brand consultants. Barefoot is now the world’s largest wine brand.

Beginning with virtually no money and no wine industry experience, they employed innovative ideas to overcome obstacles, create new markets and forge strategic alliances. They pioneered Worthy Cause Marketing and performance-based compensation. They built an internationally bestselling brand and received their industry’s “Hot Brand” award for several consecutive years.

They offer their Guiding Principles for Success (GPS) to help entrepreneurs become successful. Their book, The Entrepreneurial Culture: 23 Ways To Engage and Empower Your People, helps corporations maximize the value of their human resources.

Currently they travel the world leading workshops, trainings, & keynoting at business schools, corporations, conferences. They are regular media guests and contributors to international publications and professional journals. They are C-Suite Network Advisors & Contributing Editors. Visit their popular brand building site at www.consumerbrandbuilders.com.

To make inquiries for keynote speaking, trainings or consulting, please contact sales@thebarefootspirit.com.