by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog, Contributed Article
Email blasts and self-serving promotions seem to be taking over our inboxes. With all the white noise these days, business email communication can fall victim to overloaded and desensitized recipients. Is it any wonder that our own business emails get incomplete or... YOU CAN TRUST ME!
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
Good business relationships are built on trust. People who depend on you, from your creditors to your employees, need to confidently rely on you to treat them fairly. Once they know you can be depended upon, they will extend their cooperation and even make allowances... PROFESSIONAL OR IMPERSONAL
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog, Sales
Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose the sale. Why? Because the buyers simply don’t like you or your approach. Sometimes in an effort to be professional we can be read as mechanical, sterile, and heartless. Sure, it’s a thin line between too much...