by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog, Contributed Article
When we took on the building of the Barefoot Wine brand, we really didn’t understand the problems we would have to overcome to be successful. We had no idea how long it would take, the opposition we would face, or the enormous hurdles we had to clear in compliance,...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
Entrepreneurs learn to eat problems for breakfast. It seems like there is an unending onslaught of daily challenges starting, growing, and keeping any new venture afloat. As soon as one is solved, another one pops up just like the arcade game whack-a-mole. If it’s not...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
There are many approaches to problem solving, but the one we like best requires a multifaceted view of the situation. Sometimes the key to the solution is in the best definition of the problem. Having just one point of view, or relying on your initial impression, can...
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Business Blog
Ever wonder what goes through a creditor’s mind when they decide whether or not to give you credit? Creditors, like suppliers, vendors, and bankers who extend credit to you, are a bit anxious and for good reason. They don’t know how you’ll behave when times are tough....
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | Event
Ashley Bodi, host of the Business Beware Radio Show, interviewed Michael about the challenges and lessons learned along the Barefoot Wine journey. Go here to listen to the interview! Who We Are Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey co-authored the New York...