Vineyard & Winery Management Article
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | January 26, 2013 | Event
Linda Murphy talked with Michael about the story of Barefoot Wine, including the challenges, successes, and lessons learned along the way. It’s all here in the January/February issue of Vineyard & Winery Management.
Return on Involvement – The new ROI
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | January 26, 2013 | Business Blog
Investors look for a return on their investment. They want to know when they will see a profit, and the turn-around time is usually the key factor in their decision to fund a project. The sooner the return, the more likely they are to invest. But we can invest something besides money that can show […]
Big Blend Radio’s SUCCESS EXPRESS Show
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | January 20, 2013 | Event
Michael and Bonnie joined Nancy Reid & Lisa Smith of the SUCCESS EXPRESS Radio Show to discuss their Barefoot Wine journey, including their humble beginnings and important discoveries along the way, like Worthy Cause Marketing. Read the article and listen to the audio clip here!
Happy Martin Luther King Day!
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | January 19, 2013 | Business Blog
As we observe Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, it’s appropriate to recall how this holiday came about. King, a nonviolent activist in the Civil Rights Movement, was assassinated in 1968. The campaign to establish a Federal holiday in his honor began then, but was not signed into law until 1983 and was first observed in […]
Building a Relationship is More than Texting and Friending – Part 2
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | January 12, 2013 | Business Blog
In this virtual world we spend so much time in, it’s easy to believe texting and friending are relationship building. They’re not. Genuine lasting and dependable relationships take time and physical presence. High touch beats high tech every time. Your physical presence can build trust you can’t even approach with a keyboard, screen or profile […]
VoiceAmerica Interview
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | January 9, 2013 | Event
Rich Killian, host of “The American Businessperson,” spoke with Michael about the Barefoot Wine journey, including the challenges and discoveries. The American Businessperson airs every Wednesday at 12 Noon Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Business Channel. Check back here to listen to the clip.
The Scheinfeld Center Enlightened Entrepreneurship Series
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | January 9, 2013 | Event
The Scheinfeld Center Enlightened Entrepreneurship Series presents “A Conversation with Barefoot Wine Founders.” Join Michael and Bonnie on Friday, March 8, 2013 from 4:30-6:30 at Santa Barbara City College. Go here for more information and to register!
Building a Relationship is More than Texting and Friending – Part 1
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | January 6, 2013 | Business Blog
Thanks to technology, we seem to have unlimited communication, access to knowledge, and a following of people who “friend’ or “like” us on various social media platforms. Now that we can send an email, text, or Facebook message anytime we please, it can be tempting to think that having face-to-face communication isn’t really necessary anymore. […]
5 Tools to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | December 28, 2012 | Business Blog
Many of us say “Happy New Years” when we actually mean happy New Year. Even though it’s probably slang we actually like the plural. By saying Happy New Years, you’re wishing the person well for ALL the new years that follow midnight 2012 – basically happiness for the rest of their lives! Now that’s quite […]
Mayans Under Investigation! World Doesn’t End!
by Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey | December 22, 2012 | Business Blog
According to some interpreters of the Mayan calendar, the world was supposed to end December 21st 2012. We wonder if they were somehow disappointed when they woke up the next morning and discovered that their plans fell through. Seems like every ten years there’s a new doomsday scenario grabbing the headlines and pandering to our […]
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